Business Contact Information

Business and Credit Information

Business/Trade References


All invoices are to be paid 15 days from the invoice date. Claims arising from invoices must be made within seven working days. I/we agree to authorize RTB brands to make inquiries based on the above information in this application. I/we understand that RTB Brands may or may not grant a trade account at their discretion. I/we acknowledge that RTB Brands can close a trade account without cause or notice. I/we understand that once a trade account is approved, we will be given access to sensitive information and, as such, agree not to disclose this information to outside parties. I/we acknowledge that the payment for goods is due at the time of purchase. If an invoice exceeds 30 days past due, it will be subject to an interest charge of 3.5% annually.


Unit 18B, 515 Westgate Rd, West Kelowna, BC V1Z 3X4